The WRRB operates on a co-management basis in the management of resources. The Board works collaboratively with Tłı̨chǫ communities; Aboriginal, Territorial and Federal governments; regional renewable resources boards; and regulatory authorities such as the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board.
The Tłı̨chǫ Agreement sets out the following principles that guide the WRRB in its work:
- Wildlife, land, and people are connected with each other. Using the practices of conservation will help to protect wildlife and its habitat from loss or harm and preserve these important relationships.
- The use of the best available information to make balanced decisions, including traditional knowledge, scientific information, and expert opinion.
In doing its business, the WRRB:
- Reviews proposals and applications
- Participates in working groups and committees
- Collaborates on research activities
- Starts or supports projects and programs