Eddie (Ediiwa) Erasmus Memorial Scholarship
Eddie (Ediiwa) Erasmus Memorial Scholarship
February 28, 2023
This scholarship is named after WRRB Board member and former Tłı̨chǫ Grand Chief, Eddie (Ediiwa) Erasmus. With the Board since 2018, Eddie E’s quiet, wise presence was invaluable in ensuring discussions and decisions about wildlife and the land were a balance of Tłı̨chǫ knowledge and science, following the Tłı̨chǫ philosophy of “strong like two people."
How Much is the Scholarship Worth?
Depending on available funds and the number of applicants, the WRRB will award two scholarships of $1000 annually to students pursuing an education in wildlife, wildlife management, or the application of traditional knowledge in wildlife management. Other programs may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Priority will be given to students of Tłı̨chǫ heritage.
The Board may change the amount of the scholarships based on available funds, the number of applicants, the quality of applications, etc.
What are the Qualifications?
- Proof of acceptance at an institute of learning, university, or college into a program of studies for wildlife, wildlife management or application of traditional knowledge in wildlife management
- Brief statement (1–3 pages) on personal and academic objectives that highlight how the applicant’s proposed program of studies will contribute to wildlife management in Wek’èezhìı using science or traditional knowledge
- Two letters of reference (if already in ongoing program, one should be from the teacher)
- Preference will be given to Tłı̨chǫ Citizens
How Can Someone Apply?
Please see the full application form here.
The deadline for applying for the scholarship is March 31 of each year. Please submit any questions to: jpellissey@wrrb.ca.