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Land and Water Board news

MVLWB hosts second virtual workshop 

Closure and Reclamation presentation draws 120 people

The Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley hosted their second installment of a 2022 four-part virtual MVRMA workshop series on June 8 and 9.

The two-day event focused on closure and reclamation in the Mackenzie Valley and drew 120 participants that included government employees, co-management board members, industry representatives, and Indigenous government/organization employees.

Every year, co-management boards and the federal and territorial governments in the Mackenzie Valley typically host an annual workshop on the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act “to support an effective co-management system,” explained organizer Sarah Elsasser.

Given the ongoing COVID-19 circumstances, the MVRMA Workshop Planning Committee chose to host a series of four virtual half-day workshops in 2022 rather than the typical several-day long in-person workshop once per year,” she said.

The topics of the virtual workshop were based on a survey conducted in Fall of 2021.

A summary report of the workshop will be circulated to participants and available on the Land & Water Boards (LWBs) websites soon. The third instalment of the workshop series, about engagement and consultation, will take place on September 28 and 29.

Please feel free to sign up for the event ahead of time and watch for a full agenda here

Details may be found on the LWBs outreach page.

WLWB visits Whati for staff and board retreat 

WLWB photo


The Wek'èezhìı Land and Water Board (WLWB) travelled to Whati and camped at Burnt Island for a staff and board retreat, June 27 to 30.

Appearing n photo from left at back row are Simon Whitehouse, communications officer, Patricia Magrum, administrative coordinator, Roberta Judas, regulatory technician, Mike Nitsiza, WLWB board member, Jocelyn Zoe, WLWB board member, Rhiana Bams, regulatory specialist, Anneli Jokela, regulatory manager, Mason Mantla, WLWB board member and chair, and Ryan Fequet, executive director.

At front are Marie-Eve Cyr, regulatory specialist, Joe Mackenzie, board member, Emily Finstad, regulatory specialist, Rachel Crapeau, board member, Meghan Schnurr, senior technical advisor, and Sarah Elsasser, senior regulatory policy advisor.  WLWB hosted a community dinner and at the Whati Culture Centre to answer questions about the board's functions and to meet residents on June 27 before travelling spending three days on Lac La Martre. 

Masi to the community of Whati for hosting our function this year.