Nàı̨lı̨ı̨ (Whatı̀ Falls): Starting from the far left, is Travis Washie, followed by Eddie Chocolate, Tom Lafferty, and Stu Niven. From the center, standing front row, is Amanda Weltman, followed by Jonas Lafferty, Laura Meinert, James Rabesca, and Joseph Judas.
Board and Staff make progress on the Joint Management Proposal for the Sahti (Bluenose-East) Ekwǫ̀ Herd
October 28, 2024
The Wek’èezhìı Renewable Resources Board (WRRB) recently reviewed the joint management proposal for the Sahtì Ekwǫ̀ herd, submitted by the Tłı̨chǫ Government and Environment & Climate Change, GNWT during their meeting in Whatì on August 13-14.
The management actions proposed in the Sahtì Ekwǫ̀ Joint Management Proposal are: 1) proposed increase in TAH from 193 to 395, and 2) proposed change in calving ground survey interval from every two years to every three years (from 2025 onwards). The WRRB determined that a modified Level 1 review is appropriate, as per its Rule for Management Proposals. The Board opened the 2024 Sahtì Ekwǫ̀ Management Proceeding on August 19, 2024, and the record was closed on October 9, 2024. The Board will meet again this coming November and December 2024, to discuss the final determination and recommendations.